עצה בלי דעת

קוד: עצה בלי דעת בתנ"ך

סוג: הבדלים1

מאת: ע"פ רש"י


[ע"פ רש"י]

בסוף ספר איוב יש שני פסוקים דומים, שניהם מתייחסים ל'עצה' של ה', כלומר - לחכמה שמתגלה במעשיו ובהשגחתו על העולם:

[According to Rashi]

At the end of the Book of Job, there are two similar verses that are both connected to the " counsel" (advice) of Hashem -- to the wisdom that is revealed through his actions and his supervision of the world.

  • " Who is this who darkens counsel using words without knowledge?!" (Job 38:2): Hashem said to Job: 'Why do you claim that my counsel is dark? You are speaking without knowledge -- you don't know the rules by which I govern the world!'

  • " Who is this who hides counsel, without knowledge? (Therefore I said things without understanding them; they were too wondrous for me, and I did not know them)" (Job 42:3).  Job responded to God: 'Why did you hide your counsel from me, and not tell me what the rules are? This is why I spoke about things I didn't understand -- I had no other choice...'
